Saturday, January 12, 2013

White Noise at Home: The Secret to Successful Work at Home Job

As a freelance writer, Joanne of Melissa, Texas has found numerous writing assignments on the internet and has made quite lucrative income writing from home.   Her "other" secret besides talent?  White noise!

Do you have the same passion for writing?  You need not be as experienced as Joanne.  There are online sites that offer free training; you can easily learn the basics of writing for the web, provided you already have the "seed" of a writer in you.  As always, you cannot give what you don't have.

Check on - +Real Writing Jobs+Writing Jobs 

For starters, what you need is basic knowledge of computer operations, a good computer, and a reliable internet connection., the top honcho of article directories, is a good training ground for newbie writers.  You need to create an account on their site to have access to their vast library of writing tips.  They also provide basic training for writers, via free subscription to their site.  Right, +Chris Knight ?

Another  "best-seller" online job, is customer-service or home-based agent.  Most companies nowadays  outsource this extra hand to deliver prompt customer assistance to their existing pool of customers. This means you can work from home delivering customer service for  big companies.  The job entails basic computer knowledge to handle emails,  a good command over the English language as you will be answering calls, provide information about a product or service, and maybe answer complaints, when necessary.

Virtual assistance from home also has a good demand online.  Virtual assistants are like "little managers";  they perform clerical and administrative functions.  This online job suits someone who has   an eye for -detail,  technical know-how, and clerical training.

With the use of white noise machine, many work at home jobs and online businesses can fetch in a sizable income for the family, but the greatest reward is spending quality time at home while working on a job you love, and getting paid for it.

 Photo credit:  Ambro/